Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Good news guys!

I got some very good news for all of you!

Yesterday, I was getting past Nordkhere working on the mesh I showed you, and this corner had some rough edges I wanted to smooth out, so after a few relaxing session I had something good going on, but I noticed the dust overlay, which matched the road prior to this, no longer did, and it wasn't a big difference either, something in the realm of 20cm... now it seems large, but it is about the width of the white lines on the side of the road, so it would have been barely noticeable in game.

However, that bugged me a bit, so I had to start over.  So I reloaded the same max file I did when I was working on the other mesh, and did a quick test.

After looking at a video tutorial, where the guy was suggesting a rather tight mesh, I assumed I needed one for smoother driving.

It turns out I do not.

I took the original mesh and added 7 edges on the width, and haven't increased the length resolution... however, I used flow connect to connect the ring all around track, so it smoothed out the transition between the edges.

The result is actually really good.  It's smoother than before, and have less oscillations in the steering at high speed.

But the road remains as jagged as it was before as well, so that's what I will try to fix.

So you can expect an update much faster than I first thought, like much much faster :)

And I will increase the resolution in the area I will add bumps later... that will keep the mesh much much lower poly, so you can expect a performance increase from v0.18 :)

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