Thursday, July 31, 2014

v0.29 in the share


The groove is now closer to what would be the fast path on the track.  It is not perfect, but again, each car will lap around the track differently, so even if I would match it for a given car, it might not be what another car drives..  I dont believe there is any places that is way off.

I also applied the mask of the main groove on top of the tire mark mask.. The marks where covering the whole width of the track... now they follow the groove.

I have fine tuned some specular settings, the guardrails and some concrete stuff, made them a tad more reflective.

The road texture have been swapped with the one from the nurb track.

Gave the skybox a little more ambient light, since I had forgotten to raise it back a bit when I made everything else brighter when I did the trees.  It is now appearing more closely as it should.

I've checked the gametextures website, and their prices have changed since.

However, the prices are still fair and roughly the same.  There is now a specified number of requests.  When I joined, there was no such thing.  So I was able to get more than I would now for the price.

So I would get the 30$ per month sub, which give me 2 requests per month.  I would probably need to subscribe for at least 5-6 months to get some 10-12 requests.  Not sure exactly how many we would need but it would be a start.

The pricing I had before was 79$ per month, for unlimited download per month, and texture requests (no limit mentioned, but they can only do so many in a month anyway).  So I was expecting to subscribe for 2-3 months at that price to get everything done.

So I've added a poll and we'll see how many of you are interested in pushing the track to the next level.

In the meantime, I'll see what I can recycle from the nurb track (obviously, no trees)...if I can skip a few textures requests all the better!

Here is a video of the track, recorded at 1pm.

And a couple of screenshots


  1. At 1:22 on the video, why there's a texture change? I'm pretty sure that in real life the asphalt is the same for the whole track.

  2. Well, both com8 and gtr evo is like that, and seeing some real life videos also shows it as well. it depends on the year of the video it was made. This is modeled after mid 2000s nord I would believe...

    1. That makes sense, I personally don't like it, maybe because I'm used to Gran Turismo version of the track.

  3. That may explain why, I have never played the GT version as I have no console.

    I like it tho, because with some car, the extra grip the new tarmac provides is very useful at that location.
