Friday, August 8, 2014

Recommended AC Settings for best results

After playing a bit with the video settings in AC, I have come to realize that some have a pretty big impact on the track's look.
Here are the settings I find optimal:

The most important one, is to set AA to 2x, you will see why in a few.

As for the effects tab, I prefer the look with post processing on, and I'm not after a blown hdr look, so saturation 70% makes it very realistic to me, my monitor is set in srgb mode.

This is a matter of preference really but if you like sober look, you should give this a try, if you arent already using something similar.

Here are the differences between some settings:

Same settings as above, no AA
 The trees are opaque, and pretty rough.
Same settings as above, 2X AA
 The trees are perfect.  Opaque and smooth.

Same settings as above, 4X AA
 The trees are highly transparent (distant ones), smooth.
Same settings as above, 8X AA
 The trees are less transparent than 4X AA, also smooth.

Same settings as above, 2X AA, no FXAA
Not much difference, everything is a bit crisper.  My personal preference is with it on.  But I haven't looked at the differences elsewhere on the track, my opinion could change, as it often do :)

Same settings as above, 2X AA, No Post-Processing
Not much to say, only the coloring change :)

If you are tight on performance, disabling mirrors and lowering reflections settings should be your first stop before lowering anything else.  Unless you race outside the car, the reflections, specially with low fov, dont make up for much.


1 comment:

  1. Hi mate,
    Just saw a video on youtube from 6e66o. He seems to have done some texture updates on his private rfactor version of the track. I think you could try to contact him, he might help you ;D
    He is frequently in the AC forum.

    oh and the video:
