Monday, June 30, 2014

Development news

Well, screw that!  The perfectionist in me has taken over already :)

I don't wanna start this thing half assed and start over in the middle of it because I screwed up like last time.

The original mesh is quite bad actually.  Not nearly as much as the com8 version, that is sure, but a lot worse than I would have first expected.

There is a few shading errors here and there, nothing like the other mesh, and they are already fixed.  There was a chamfer around some mountain that went by unnoticed.  Someone must have hit the button and not notice it.  :)

Other than that, you might have noticed a few polygons where the shading wasn't totally smooth, well, that is because when I exported from 3dsimed to 3dsmax, all the smoothing groups were lost.

I applied smoothing group to the landscape, but since the pieces weren't connected together, it didn't resulted in a good smoothing.

Here is what it looks like at the moment (in the current versions I did up to now)

And after I merged everything that consist of ground, so grass, road, curbs, etc... and welded verts

I did a render so you would see a bit better than the shading I have in the viewport, but it's clearly noticeable in the viewport as well.

The reason why it is still jagged a bit is because the whole terrain is made of tris... not quads, so it doesn't make as smooth a landscape, but uses a lot less polys to do so.  Which is a good idea since this map has a lot more to it than the com8 one.  The middle is filled and the outside extends further.

So yeah, I will do exactly as I did with the other mesh, merge everything together, and work on it as a whole.  It will produce a much better result and there will be no cracks at all, unless I miss a few in the process of fixing them.  But once everything will be properly made and connected, detaching things won't produce any cracks.

So I have restarted from my quadrified road Max file, and merged it all, and I'm now quadrifying the quad corridor in between the huge tris mesh.  The part that is on both side of the road, up to the guardrails or so...


  1. So, yeah, the road, althought it was relatively smooth in the corners, will get as smooth as my rf2 version, and the curbs more so... at the moment, the curbs polys are still huge, so that's why they are jagged in some places like antoniusbusche... that one is probably the worse of them all.

  2. Thanks, it's cool to know we are riding o a filled piece of surface, but even if they are triangles, isn't there a waste of resources, for the patches that are never visible from the car? Or it's irrelevant?

  3. Actually, most of the landscape is visible at some point of another on the track. That`s why I guess Simbin filled the inside. If you look at com8 version, you will see a lot of missing mountains.

    The whole inside part contains roughly 2-3k polys... so it's really not much! It`s the equivalent of a piece of road. I have made each pieces of road around 2k each parts.

    So it wouldn't increase performance as much as it would remove from the scenery :)
