Sunday, July 13, 2014

v0.21 update online

Yesterday, after noticing the treelines edited normals were lost somehow and after fixing it, I spent some more time bringing back some lights into the track.

I made the last few tweaks before going to sleep, and I was too tired to write about it.  So I moved the update to the share and went to bed.

So here is how things are looking now.

I recorded the video starting at 8am with 75x time acceleration, so you get to see all time of day during the lap.

I had my room lights on, so at the end I was barely seeing anything!  Almost missed t13.


  1. Something I forgot to mention, except in my comments on the lighting saga post, I have made some normal maps to shade the tree lines a little.

    I wanted to edit the bottom vertex normals of the treelines point a bit down, so the bottom of the treelines are a bit shaded, and the top brighter.

    However, I don't know if there are any selection tricks, but doing it manually was really a pain in the ... There are a lot of tree lines, they aren't flat, they crosses with each others, etc, so selecting only the bottom normals would take a few days at best.

    I have switched the treelines shader from KsTree to the AT_NM one, and added a simple normal map with a normal gradient starting from top (not 100% top, but like 80%, and about 20% lower than centre position on the normal sphere. So the botton of the tree are receiving less light if the sun is above.

    It does pretty much the same thing as editing the normal would have done.. except its much easier...

    If only Kunos could make a KsTree with normal map shader.... I cannot do this trick for trees, since the AT_NM shader cast shadows on itself. Something you dont want for trees... It doesnt matter much for the treelines, as they are flat and not in X shape.

    But adding a KsTree with normal map would really make the modder life much easier, specially when dealing with conversion. It's a wonder why its not there already...

  2. Thanks for great work.
    Smooth and natural driving feel is very very good.
    Only one place I feel a bit bumpy is Wehrseifen,3:40 in the video.
    I feel there is a sharp bump than original track.

  3. Thank you!

    I'll look out some real life video on the Wehrseifen matter, and see the original mesh to determine if this was a mishaps made by flow connect.

    Thing is, flow connect is really nice, except when working with a mesh that isn't really all connected to each other. If all surrounding vertices are connected, then flow connect acts nicely, if there is one that isn't connected, and sitting on an edge, then things get messed up. I fixed most as I go, and there was a lot, but a few remained.

    However, I don't feel the Wehrseifen one is such a bump, as there was in flugplatz, dottinger hohe and the klienz karussel.
