While I'm cleaming up geometry, I quadrified some curbs, and when I removed the support edges around the drains found in the curb, the curb mapping went a bit skewed.
I found a way to fix this, and since I had to detach the drain from the mesh temporarily to do this, I thought I would add a bit of details to these drains.
Since they are quite a bit nicer than those found in com8's, I thought I should bevel them in a bit, since I guess they must be a bit carved in in real life, tho I'm not sure. Nevertheless, it will certainly add both visually and physically when running over then, you will feel them slightly, they are in 1cm.
Also, regarding the controversial kerbstone matter, I wasn't sure when the discussion rose up at the rf2 forums, but I had the impression I did this after buying and seeing gtr evo's version. At first, I thought it was some sort of imagery trick, and thought the kerbstones found in evo were in reality flat to ground, and only made to look like one with normal map trick.
When I was defining mats in this conversion, I saw the texture used for these kerbstones, and there is a light half, and dark half, so I further thought it was a trick.
Now, I'm at the first of these kerbstone and guess what? They aren't trickery, they are indeed very real. And higher than mine as well. Well, the edge is 13cm, but it is angled, so it may be a bit lower or higher than mine, but certainly, I wasn't so far away with my 10cm straight up.
You can bet I won't flatten these :) But the way they are added, there is a little run off between the road and these, so they might not be as bad for some than mine.
Just thought I should let you guys know :)
And here is the kerbstone in question:
The kerb topic didn't concern me too much in the rf2 version as well. But if I had to choose btw the closer copy of reality and the furhter one, I choose the first. I mean we all are having this sim hobby to replace the real deal, so why not struggle to get as close as possible...
ReplyDeleteAnd btw I tried rf2' update 770. Your track (v.1.65) loses the trees for me, starting Flugplatz, who knows if it's only happening to me or they limited memory at track loading, or smth else. Fact is track remains bold since Flugplatz.
I don't bother too much though, this version in AC is awesome.
Anyways, AC is so much better, with graphics, optimisation, etc.
And your convert broke all other tracks for me, i drive only this one since 0.18. Do you plan to add cameras/replays?
Regarding the cameras, I actually had a quick look at it, and it didn't seemed really self-explanatory, so I will need to look further into it, but yes definately.
DeleteIf someone have the knowledge to do it and is willing to, I would appreciate, but I will look into it in due time. For the moment, the replays can still be used with the cockpit and chase cam btw.
v0.18 was done in about a week total, so the project is still very young and a lot left to do! But I love this track, and it feels like no chore to me, I like this part in 3dsmax... my creativity (or lack of) doesn't affect me as much as when I'm in photoshop for instance :)
As for the rF2 version, unfortunately, I cannot do much until the 64bit plugin is released. Might already be by now, but I'll rather wait until I'm done with this one, and spend time porting this version to rF2. That's why I'm planning ahead with the things I know I'll need for it. Like the road edges (they are decals in AC).
DeleteIs there any other tracks that have the missing trees problem?
As as for recreating Nord, my reference isn't the current Nord. Cause anyway, there is likely a lot of things that changed this, like guardrails models, new fences and so on. The trees have changed as well. The road is repaved since 2013 (after this track was modeled)
DeleteSo I'd rather keep it to the original, because otherwise we would end up having parts that look like current days, and parts that look like another time... and it would end up being none of what it ever been actually.
In the future, I would like to do a Nordschleife + Sudschleife version. I think I would rather have that than Nord + Nurb GP...
that changed this = that changed since :) Can't edit those damn comments :)
DeleteHere is an example of something different between now and nord (evo/com8) the toll booths are cyan like in game, and you can see them being like so in some older videos, but if you look at them now, they are gray, and seems to have changed.
DeleteSo there is likely a bunch of others thing like that that would change, and this would likely be a bit too much to handle, creating new objects, needing completely new textures I can't get (like those new toll booths)
I checked some of the native tracks, but no, it may be a size issue, I don't know. Anyway, good decison not bothering right now, this AC evo version, is already great.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that matters with changes, are track surface ones, if they make a big difference. But even if such changes happen what to do? Iracing has 2 versions of Daytona laserscanned, at how many to stop? :)
ReplyDeleteDid you see this site: http://www.nurburgringexplorer.com/ ? Lots of detailed info
ReplyDeleteActually, I knew this site, as it's the first result for the search terms nordschleife corner names, and I was referring to it when naming my terrain objects.
DeleteBut I have wandered around a bit more now, and there is a wealth of info, thanks for letting me know.
I'll be checking it out!