Hmmm, that's odd. Well it somehow makes a bit of sense, but it turns out I cannot use a simple normal map to shade the treeline darker at the bottom, and lighter at the top. When the sun is in front or behind the tree, the lighting effect is inversed, depending on the Y axis setup of the normal map. So even if I flip the Y axis, it fixes the treelines for a given sun position, either front or behind, but when the sun gets to the other position, they screw up.
So I could either tune them to look alright for the morning or for the afternoon, but it seems I cannot have both.
Seems like I will have to split all those treelines, and edit their normals manually. Lots of work ahead, but I feel it's going to be much easier than the tree were... so it doesn't scare me as much as it initially did when I made the normal maps.
So, upcoming is the treelines, and I'll work at improving the AI, since I got quite a bit better with this layout since I did the AI, I should be able to improve it a bit.
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