After testing with the road patch yesterday, I was getting nervous to think of connecting everything together, with reducing so I don't have tiny polys everywhere.
It's a real challenge actually. When I did my rF2 version, I didn't quite matched the road resolution on the sides, so it wasn't quite as good as this one.
I wanted to have every vertices to be connected to another, so when I detach things, everything fits perfectly, and shows no cracks.
I have started to do this on the dottinger hohe, and here is what it will look like. The edges are around 1m in length now. Once I'm done, I will be able to add a mesh smooth over it all since the mesh is built better, the mesh smooth won't mess up anything, I've already tested it on a small patch.
And here is how the hills starting in nordkhere and the castle's mountain looks like in the editor. Don't mind the messed up shadows, the editor have problems calculating the shadows right with such a huge mesh. The game however does better, and I think there is actually nodifference.. tho I haven't carefully examined, they don't appear as in the editor.
As you can see, the smoothing on the hills did a great job at bringing the track up to new standards.
Oh and I plan to swap the fake catch fence as you see in the last image with the one I had in my rf2 version, with 3d posts. It will look much better than these.
It looks good!