Well, after playing a bit, I was thinking that things were rather dark, afterall.
When I set things, I had no choice to set things darker, since the tree walls were the culprit. To prevent large shifts in brightness levels, since they have some quite large angle between the faces sometimes.
When I re-started and loaded a previous max file, it turns out my edits to the tree walls and trees vertex normals wasn't present in this file.
I had noticed it, and fixed it, or so I thought. But yesterday, after trying to do this process, Max started to crash and act weird afterward. I didn't knew what was going on really, and I made a few tries to fix the tree walls normals and somehow I must have reloaded an autoback max file at some point and gone back in time a few mins, before I edited the tree walls.
I didn't noticed it, and went forward. Fixed the tree normals, etc... Then when I tuned brightness, I had the trees that were receiving proper amount of light, but not the tree walls. So to make things match, I had to lower everything so it did not stood out as much.
I just fixed the tree walls normals and will proceed to re-adjust the brightness again.
I have taken screenshots on Mugello circuit at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 18:00 and also on Nord, and will try to make things more in line with it.
I probably won't go as bright, since I have no real proper vertex normals for the trees and I dunno how to make "proper" tree lines in AC, given the way it lit things, not sure they use them no more... they must use individual cardboard trees to do so.
Have to agree with you here, they all seem a tad too dark now. Colors may be also enhanced a bit. But please do avoid the florescent greens :)
ReplyDeleteGreat work pleclair. Mesh and colors are great. Only issue is that in hotlap mode the section from the spawn location to the start line is counted as a "lap" resulting in a laptime of about 20 seconds. Is there a way to fix that? Thanks mate!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I have worked on improving brightness yesterday, when I found out my treelines had no edited vertex normal, and I managed to bring back some light into the track!
ReplyDeleteI released the v0.21 before going to sleep, but was too tired to write about it. So I simply moved it to share and went to bed.
I'm currently sending a video to youtube, it will be linked here in an hour or so.
As for the hotlap thing, I noticed it too, but wasn't sure if it was normal or not, as I'm still rather new to AC. I have no clue what it could be tho, there is only one object for the hotlap session, the AC_HOTLAP_START_0 one and there is pretty much no setting for it either, as far as I know.
The only thing I could see, maybe the game expect the hotlap start to be closer to the actual start line.
When I positioned it, I wondered where I should put it, and went for a tourist style departure. I thought about putting it straight in the paddocks, but I thought it might be too much troubles getting out of it everytime, so I put it in front of it instead.
Knowing this behavior is not normal, I'll test out to move the object closer to the start line and see if it fixes it.