Yesterday, after writing my 4096+ comment, I decided I would take a break from the curbs and model the guardrails.
Here is what I came up with:
These textures were made by and were made to look similar to those with the com8 layout, which featured some rusty versions.
These guardrails should be looking pretty neat in game! I can't wait to see what the lighting engine will do to these guardrails at dusk/dawn settings! :)
EDIT: I have shaped the guardrails entirely with my Quad Chamfers plugin. Really neat plugin! I'm using it a whole lot now. Only the tip have been curved with an FFD box with a 2x48x2 box. I added 4 edges near the end of both sides. The straight section have no edges on the width side to keep poly as low as possible. I wanted to model the holes and bolts, but it would have skyrocketed the poly count... I'll use the normal map that was made with the texture along with the alpha channel for the hole instead :)
Look awesome, and great to hear you are keeping an eye on performance and you are confident it won't be more heavy than evo 0.9, which runs pretty well for me.